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CyberChip Reqts
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Boy Scout Troop 78
(Colorado Springs, Colorado)
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CyberChip Requirements

BSA, Pikes Peak Council, and Troop 78 are committed to Internet Safety.

That's why all new Scouts -- and older Scouts nearing Star Rank -- are required to complete the "CyberChallenge" appropriate to their grade level.

More information on grade-specific requirements are at this link:

Since most of our younger Scouts are in grades 6-8, some of those files are attached below for your convenience.

The intent is for the Scout to learn about his rights and responsibilities, and to encourage dialog with parents/guardians on Internet-safe activities. There are also two "Contracts" the boy will sign with his parents to indicate his commitment to these tenets of proper Internet use.

Icon File Name Comment  
CyberChip_Mini_Activities-for-EDGE-teaching.pdf Mini-Activities for Scout to teach via EDGE  
CyberChip_Pledge__100-055_WB.pdf CyberChip Pledge of Responsibility  
CyberChip_technology_contract.pdf Technology Contract (betw Scout & Parents)